Sunday, April 8, 2018

Creating Simple Web Viewer App

App Development Series 2

Hello Guyz, Its me Sabin Aryal Author of Tech Nepal. Today we are going to learn Android App development using Thunkable.
Thunkable is a drag and drop app inventor platform where we dont have to write a single line of code to make android app. Appsmade from here can be published to Playstore also so Lets Get started to the Course.

In previous Tutorial we have already learned hoe to make simple app using Thunkable. In this Tutorial we will learn how to make simple webviewer app in thunkable. If you have not seen our first fost visit here. In this Tutorial we will also learn how to make the splash screen of the app. So lets get started.

Step 1: Goto thunkable website and make new project.

First we will work on splash screen so on screen 1 properties section untick the option Show Status bar and Title Visible option.Which will make our app look in full screen and select the screen size to Responsive.

You can add the image for the splash screen but i am only writing text so if you want to add image you can add it in the screen 1 properties .

Step 2: After you Finished designing Drag and drop the clock component from sensor and untick the Timer always fire option and untick the Timer enabled option, set the time you want in millisecond.

Step 3: Now make another screen and name it as you like.

Step 4:Go to the Screen you just created and drag and drop the webviewer component in the screen. Change the Width to Fill parent and Height to Fill parent.

Step 5: Put the Home URL to any website you want to make a app for. I will write my own website address.And make sure to uncheck the Title Visible Option.

Now lets move to the block section of Screen 1 ie. Splash Screen.

We want to make our app show splash screen 5 second and then goto our website then we have to do some blocks like this .

Here we have not done any difficult work. When our app opens our clocks enables and after time we set it goes to another screen .Simple as that.

Now lets move to 2nd screen 

When our apps goes to 2nd screen the webviewer goes to home url we set before thats it.We can add simple loading bar in the webviewer befor the sites loads which we will learn in upcoming tuturial.

Now export the apk and enjoy your own app and you can also publish it to playstore.